
Religious principles & society ??

Hello there, I always use to talk about society and their deprived, well-practiced principals of living. Now I m going much deeper than that, into our religions, our culture. Let me tell you first I don’t believe in any particular religion I thoughts all religion have the same story, same basics story of heaven and hell, but every different religion have their own to decode it and convey to their followers. They have their own principles to bind their followers to that very religion. Those principles cover every aspect of your living. Now its all upon us how we convey those principles in our life. Now I am going to tell you how we took that fold these principles into something else, by making a deal with a selfish businessman known as GREED.  We all are well aware of that, he is living with for centuries. He always work with a simple and most effective business plan  FEAR . we don’t even have a birth certificate of him, so we are in darkness about his origins and his age. Let


Gender discrimination is a most foundable topic to debate on, Today, I am specific about the reason behind that, mainly people used to debate on their database information, In simple word we all are familiar with the quantitative reason behind Gender discrimination. I want to discuss here some qualitative reason behind proofing it with those quantitative data from which you all are familiar with. DEFINITION  First of all, you had to be familiar with the term gender Discrimination.   Let me explain to you with a simple realistic occurring. When a SOCIALLY approved stronger Gender (MASCULINE) suppressed another Gender (FEMININE) as it approved as weaker.  BUT, we don’t know one thing those two Genders are convinced to be as they are approved. Our society makes rules based on false Statement,” BODY STRENGTH IS MORE GOD-LIKE THAN MENTAL STRENGTH” OUR SOCIETY  I have only one question for our society ” what the hell are you doing?” yup, answer me.According to me,


     We all know about gods and their mythological and spiritual motivational stories about them, and about the principle of living in an ideal way .but, today I just want to change the topic. today I am just thinking why not we talk about the opposite force. Ok., the final end of discussion!!!, I am going to give my opinion about the opposing forces. Am I talking to myself ?? Leave it!!  Now the topic, the opposite forces, the other side , whatever phrase or whatever word we just pointed it out. The other side, if I try to explain this, I might answer it in a simple way, IT IS THE WORLD OF THAT VERY THINGS WHICH ARE INVISIBLE TO HUMAN EYES. I thought it exists but we cannot see it, as we cannot see many wavelengths like UV rays, radio waves and many more.                          we lives in a scientific world ,we defines every things in a scientific terms, we live our life in a systematic and scientific terms. Now ,the topic the other side , my mind say that it’s a world


Today I was traveling in DELHI METRO.While traveling I see a group of some ladies aboard metro at INA metro station. now we all know that every Delhi metro trains the first bogey are fully reserved for ladies, and there is always 2  to 4 seats reserved for ladies in others reaming bogeys., They saw a teen boy aging around 15 /16 was sitting on the only for ladies seat in nonreserved bogey in that metro.I can easily guess that those ladies are willing to take that seat, a few seconds later, when that boy noticed that weird look.He generously offered his seat to one of those ladies and stand up with a smile on his face.After a few minutes later, while few people are getting off the metro someone collided with that boy, and he accidentally put his foot on that very ladies feet. then she started raging on him as if he is a lecher, he doesn't have any manner, in front of everybody, that very boy is continuously saying sorry to her.After few minutes I had to unboarded that very train, a

G.O.D.(guardian of our destiny)

I m not such a spiritual person, I do not believe in all those stories about our God and Goddess.  I born into Hindu family & I believe I m Hindu and I m still confused about it!! Is it the only reason to be a Hindu ?? Or I have to worship  1 million+ God and Goddess to be a Hindu??? Seriously above 1 million !! And please don’t ask me their names because, I don’t know .i can hardly tell you about the name of 20 -25 god and goddess .and one serious note we have god and goddess for everything,, yes for everything. God for sun (SURYA DEV), moon(CHANDRA DEV) ,air( PAWAN DEV), water( VARUN DEV), instruments ( VISHWAKARMA) and even for SEX(KAM DEV)  ,,,,,and  Goddess for money( LAXMI MATA), education(SARASWATI MATA),,,and the list goes on and on . Now talking about God, I do have a common question about them. Who are they? How do they look like? Where do they live? Did anyone ever see them? First of all, do they exist? I mean to exist in reality, not in our beliefs. I know many people